Sisters Ada Umunna and Pat Nelson described first hand the impact of Arms of Care on their lives. Both have been on numerous mission trips and noted how the experiences changed them. From being able to provide care to others in need to seeing how things that we take for granted are luxuries to others. The impact of Arms of Care goes both ways...the impact on the members and the impact on those served. We were also able to hear from Apostle Frederick Shumba of World Harvest Ministries in Zimbabwe. He described the impact that the organization has had on the lives of people in his country. He felt compelled to share how Arms of Care has helped provide medical, pharmaceutical, prayer, and optical services to the members of his community. In addition, Reverend Paul of Eagles Path Ministries in Lesotho created a video to show their appreciation for the container of goods that Arms of Care was able to secure and send to him. The container included wheel chairs, canes, and other medical equipment and supplies as well as lotions and personal goods. Yes, Arms of Care has had a tremendous impact.